Can a 17 year old get their own car insurance?

Can a 17 year old get their own car insurance?


Getting your driver’s license is an exciting milestone as a teenager. However, new drivers under 18 face high car insurance rates, and you may wonder can a 17 year old get their own car insurance policy. 

The answer is yes, there are insurance options available, but rates will be much higher than older drivers. Here’s what you need to know about can a 17 year old get their own car insurance and getting coverage as a teen driver.

Factors That Impact Rates for 17 Year Old Drivers

Car insurance companies consider young drivers to be high risk, which is why quotes are more expensive. Here are some of the main reasons can a 17 year old get their own car insurance is expensive:

  • Inexperience: New drivers simply do not have the experience behind the wheel needed to react to hazards and drive safely in all conditions. Data shows drivers are most accident-prone within the first year of getting a license.
  • Immaturity: Teen drivers are more likely to take risks like speeding, texting while driving, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and driving recklessly. Immaturity leads to poor decisions.
  • Peer pressure: Teens may take risks to show off for friends, like racing or taking turns too fast. Passengers can also distract teen drivers.
  • Night driving: Data shows a disproportionate number of accidents happen at night with teen drivers. Night driving is more hazardous.
  • Type of car: Teens tend to drive smaller, faster cars which are more prone to accidents. Sports cars and luxury cars bring higher rates too.

Insurance companies set rates based on risk, so younger drivers pay more across the board. Some other factors like good grades can help lower premiums.

Can a 17 Year Old Get Their Own Policy?

Yes, there are insurance companies willing to cover drivers as young as 17 with their own policy. However, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Rates will be extremely high even if you have a clean record and good grades. Expect to pay at least $200 to $300 per month or more.
  • You will need to have a car registered in your own name to take out a policy.
  • Insurance will likely need to be paid monthly since high annual premiums.
  • You may need to shop around and check many companies to find one that will cover you. Some have age or length of license requirements.
  • It’s beneficial to take a defensive driving course approved by your state. Insurance companies may give a discount for completing it.
  • Unless you have substantial income, parents will likely need to contribute or co-sign the policy with you.
Can a 17 Year Old Get Their Own Policy?
Yes, there are insurance companies willing to cover drivers as young as 17 with their own policy

Ways for Can a 17 Year old Get their own Car Insurance

There are some steps 17 year olds can take to try to lower car insurance rates:

  • Take driver’s education: Formal classes often earn a discount on premiums.
  • Keep up your grades: A’s and B’s in school can reduce rates up to 15-25%.
  • Drive safely: Avoid tickets, accidents, and violations to keep a clean driving record.
  • Choose a safe car: Opt for a used sedan or crossover over a sports car. Safety features like airbags also help.
  • Get on parents’ policy: Being added to an existing policy is cheaper than your own.
  • Ask about discounts: Look for savings like good student, multi-policy, anti-theft devices, etc.
  • Raise deductibles: Having a higher deductible of $500+ on Collision and Comprehensive can lower costs.
  • Limit miles: Choosing lower annual mile options reduces some risk factors.

Average Car Insurance Rates for 17 Year Olds

To give an idea of how expensive can a 17 year old get their own car insurance is, here are some average nationwide annual rates for teen drivers:

Company Average Annual Rate for 17 Year Olds
Geico $5,179
Allstate $7,623
State Farm $5,269
Progressive $4,232
USAA $3,254

These rates are just averages based on nationwide data, but they demonstrate how expensive auto insurance is for 17 year old drivers vs rates for older drivers that may be $100-200 per month. Even the cheapest policies will likely be over $3000 annually.

Average Car Insurance Rates for 17 Year Olds
Average Car Insurance Rates for 17 Year Olds

Options for Getting a 17 Year Old Covered

If you’re wondering can a 17 year old get their own car insurance, here are some of the main options to look into for getting a policy:

  • Parents’ policy 

Adding the teen as a driver to mom and dad’s policy is the most common and affordable way to get coverage. This typically costs less than a separate policy.

  • Separate teen policy 

As mentioned, some insurers will write a policy just for the teen, though rates will be sky-high. Shop plans from Geico, Allstate, State Farm and others. Expect to pay $200+ monthly.

  • Discounts and subsidies

Ask all companies about discounts for good grades, driver’s ed courses and any other ways to lower costs. Also see if your state has programs to provide subsidized insurance for high-risk youthful drivers.

  • Non-owner car insurance 

If the teen will only drive parents’ cars occasionally, a non-owner policy provides liability coverage when driving other vehicles. This is far cheaper than regular coverage.

  • Public transportation

Using buses, trains, bikes or other alternatives to driving can avoid the need for expensive teen auto insurance.

Getting quotes from multiple insurers and comparing all available discounts and options is key to finding the lowest rates. While expensive, insurance is required and available for can a 17 year old get their own car insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions about can a 17 year old get their own car insurance

Can I get cheaper insurance if I only drive to school and work?

Yes, insurance companies do offer discounts and policy options for low mileage driving, which can help lower costs a bit. Look for plans with about 5,000 annual miles. Driving less reduces risk.

What violations make insurance more expensive for teens?

Any tickets, accidents or violations will substantially increase insurance rates for teens. Speeding, reckless driving, DUIs, at-fault accidents, and texting/cell phone use are some of the biggest factors increasing rates.

What is the cheapest car for a 17 year old to insure?

The cheapest vehicles to insure for 17 year olds are typically used sedans and crossovers with good safety ratings. Recommended options include the Honda Accord, Toyota Camry, Subaru Outback or Forester, and Ford Escape. Avoid sports cars or luxury cars.

Can I take a defensive driving class to lower insurance?

Yes, many insurance carriers offer discounts for completing an approved defensive driving course. Taking a class can save 5-15% or more on your premiums. Check with local providers to find a class that is accepted by insurance companies in your state.

What GPA do I need for a good student discount?

Most insurers require at least a 3.0 GPA for the good student discount, which can save up to 25%. Maintaining a high GPA demonstrates responsibility. Make sure to notify your insurer of your grades for each grading period.

Frequently Asked Questions about can a 17 year old get their own car insurance
Can I take a defensive driving class to lower insurance?


In summary, can a 17 year old get their own car insurance? Yes, teen drivers can obtain their own policies if needed, but rates will be very expensive. 

Adding your teen to the parents’ policy, asking for discounts, taking driver’s ed, maintaining good grades, and driving safely are key to lowering costs. With maturity and experience over time, rates will decrease.

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