How Much is Car Insurance in Washington Per Month?

How Much is Car Insurance in Washington Per Month?


Figuring out how much is car insurance in Washington per month can be confusing for drivers new to the state. How much is car insurance in Washington per month varies widely based on your location, age, vehicle, driving history and other factors.

With dozens of insurance companies offering policies in Washington, how much is car insurance in Washington per month you’ll actually pay depends on shopping around and finding the right coverage.

Here’s a detailed look at what impacts how much is car insurance in Washington per month, average costs, and tips for getting the best rate.

What Affects How Much is Car Insurance in Washington Per Month?

Several key factors determine how much is car insurance in Washington per month including:


Where you live significantly affects how much is car insurance in Washington per month. Urban areas like Seattle and Spokane have higher premiums than rural farmland. Costs also rise in high-claim neighborhoods and areas with high rates of accidents, thefts and vandalism.


Teen drivers pay the highest car insurance costs in Washington, exceeding $400 per month for full coverage. Drivers under 25 always pay more. Premiums start dropping after 25, with middle-aged drivers paying the least for the same policy.

Driving Record 

Drivers with accidents, DUIs and serious violations see steep rate hikes. Just a single at-fault accident can increase how much is car insurance in Washington per month by 30% or more. Multiple tickets also drive up costs.

Credit History 

Washington insurers use credit-based insurance scores to set premiums. Good credit can save hundreds per year compared to drivers with poor credit and bankruptcies.

Coverage Levels 

Minimum liability-only policies cost far less than policies with comprehensive and collision. Deductible amount also impacts monthly cost.

Vehicle Type 

Insuring sports cars, luxury brands and performance vehicles costs more due to high repair costs, injury claims and theft risk.

Annual Mileage 

Drivers with high annual miles have far greater accident risk. Low mileage discounts can reduce how much is car insurance in Washington per month.

Marital Status 

Married drivers tend to file fewer claims, so they may see lower premiums than single drivers.


Statistically, young male drivers under 25 cause more accidents so they may pay more than young females for car insurance in Washington. The gap evens out as drivers get older.

Driving Habits 

Regular late-night driving or frequent freeway driving can increase your costs. Taking a defensive driving course can sometimes offset this.

What Affects How Much is Car Insurance in Washington Per Month?
What Affects How Much is Car Insurance in Washington Per Month?

Average Cost of Car Insurance in Washington Per Month

So how much does the typical Washington driver pay? Here are the average monthly car insurance rates in the state based on coverage levels:

Coverage Type Minimum Coverage Average Enhanced Coverage Average
Liability $70 $115
Collision $160 $328
Comprehensive $125 $242
Uninsured Motorist $57 $114
PIP $35 $35
Total Average $147 $434

As you can see, how much is car insurance in Washington per month ranges widely based on your chosen coverages. Minimum liability-only policies average just $147 per month. But a full-coverage policy with increased limits averages $434 monthly.

Drivers in cities like Seattle and Bellevue pay more than 20% above the statewide average. But those in rural eastern Washington often pay below-average premiums for the same coverage.

Minimum Car Insurance Requirements in Washington

To legally drive in Washington, all motorists must carry these minimum liability coverages:

  • $25,000 bodily injury liability per person
  • $50,000 bodily injury liability per accident
  • $10,000 property damage liability
  • $25,000 uninsured motorist bodily injury per person
  • $10,000 personal injury protection (PIP)

Purchasing only this minimum car insurance is tempting for the cost savings. But it provides very limited protection if you cause an accident. Many experts recommend these higher liability limits:

  • $100,000 bodily injury per person
  • $300,000 bodily injury per accident
  • $100,000 property damage liability
  • $100,000 uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury

Comparing quotes with the same coverages is the best way to find cheap car insurance rates in Washington. Don’t just compare minimum liability quotes.

How to Lower Your Car Insurances Costs in Washington

How to Lower Your Car Insurance Costs in Washington
How to Lower Your Car Insurance Costs in Washington

Drivers in Washington have many options to lower how much is car insurance in Washington per month. Here are some top ways to save:

Compare Quotes – Get quotes from at least 5-6 insurers. Local companies and direct insurers often offer the lowest rates.

Raise Deductibles – By raising deductibles to $500, $1000 or $2000 you can reduce premiums by 15% to 30%.

Improve Credit – Monitoring your credit and disputing errors can significantly improve your rate.

Ask About Discounts – Take advantage of all discounts you qualify for like good driver, low mileage, multi-policy and more.

Take a Defensive Driving Course – Completing an accident avoidance course can save 5% to 15%.

Drop Comprehensive on Old Cars – Removing comprehensive coverage on older low-value vehicles can reduce premiums.

Increase Liability Limits – Raising your bodily injury liability limits to 100/300 can cost nearly the same while providing much more coverage.

Review Policy Annually – Check for ways to save each renewal by adjusting deductibles, limits and coverages.

Check marital status – Married couples often get discounts compared to single drivers.

How Independent Agents Can Help Lower Your Costs

How Independent Agents Can Help Lower Your Costs
How Independent Agents Can Help Lower Your Costs

One of the easiest ways to make sure you get the lowest available car insurance rates in Washington is to work with an independent insurance broker. They have access to dozens of carriers and help you compare quotes.

Independent agents also provide personalized guidance on the ideal policy options for your situation. They will inform you about critical Washington insurance laws, ensure you have enough coverage, and find discounts unique to each insurer.

If you need to file a claim, a good independent agent serves as your advocate to get the claim resolved fairly and promptly. They take on the legwork of contacting adjusters, gathering documentation, and checking on the status of your claim payout.

Key Takeaways on Washington Car Insurances Costs Per Month

Figuring out how much is car insurance in Washington per month takes some legwork, but finding affordable rates is possible. The state minimum liability requirements are relatively low, but experts strongly advised buying more than the legal minimums.

Taking the time to regularly compare quotes, maintain good credit, ask about discounts and raise deductibles can potentially save you hundreds per year. Considering all these strategies can help Washington drivers find the right balance of premium affordability and strong financial protection.

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