How Much Is Insurance For A Bounce House Business

How Much Is Insurance For A Bounce House Business

Inflatable rental businesses, known for providing endless fun and entertainment, have seen a surge in popularity in recent years. However, along with the joy they bring, bounce houses also carry inherent risks of injuries, making insurance coverage a crucial consideration for owners and operators.

In this comprehensive guide, will explore the necessity of having bounce house insurance to safeguard your business, understand the risks involved, and delve into the coverage options available. Additionally, we’ll provide insights on evaluating insurance providers and policies tailored to your unique needs.

The Rise in Popularity and Injuries

The last decade has witnessed a substantial increase in the popularity of bounce houses. Unfortunately, with this surge in usage, there has also been a noticeable rise in bounce house-related injuries. In 2012, the Consumer Product Safety Commission recorded over 18,000 injuries linked to bounce houses. Disturbingly, there have been incidents of bounce houses being lifted into the air by strong winds, resulting in children being hospitalized.

Why Bounce House Insurance is Essential

These alarming statistics emphasize the critical need for bounce house insurance and the importance of having proper waivers in place when starting an inflatable rental business. Accidents can happen, and as a responsible business owner, you want the peace of mind that you will be protected if they do.

What Bounce House Insurance Covers

What Bounce House Insurance Covers
What Bounce House Insurance Covers

The primary focus of a bounce house insurance policy is to provide general liability coverage for bodily and property damage. However, the extent of your liability varies depending on who operates the equipment. If you, as the owner, will not be directly operating the equipment, having a waiver signed by the homeowner is crucial.

This waiver holds them responsible for any injuries that occur while the bounce house is under their supervision. Some insurance providers offer general waivers, but it is advisable to have an attorney customize one to align with your state or city’s specific guidelines.

Conversely, there are instances where you or your staff will be responsible for operating the equipment, such as corporate events or public park rentals. In such cases, institutions often require a minimum insurance policy of one million dollars. Additionally, they may request to be listed as an additional insured party on the insurance certificate. Reputable insurance providers typically offer this certificate at no extra cost, but it’s important to confirm this during the policy evaluation process.

Cost Considerations of Bounce House Insurance

The cost of inflatable insurance varies depending on several factors, including the size of your business, the frequency of operations throughout the year, and other specific considerations within the bounce house industry.

To secure comprehensive coverage that adequately protects your business, expect to invest approximately $1,800 to $2,500 annually. As your business expands, additional expenses may include worker compensation policies and commercial auto packages.

Specialized Expertise

One of the primary challenges in securing bounce house insurance is finding a provider with a deep understanding of the industry and its associated risks. Partnering with a company that specializes in this field is crucial to ensure that your policy covers all the necessary aspects of your business. Working with an inexperienced or general insurance agent can result in overpriced policies that do not align with your specific needs.

Reputable Bounce House Insurance Providers

To make an informed decision, it’s essential to identify reputable insurance providers with a track record of serving the inflatable rental business industry. Among the recommended providers is Cossio Insurance, a company with extensive experience in the field. They operate in all 50 states and can tailor a policy to suit your business’s unique requirements. 

Other Bounce House Insurance Options

Other Bounce House Insurance Options
Other Bounce House Insurance Options

In addition to Cossio Insurance, several other companies offer bounce house insurance policies. These include:

  • International Special Events & Recreation Association
  • Haas & Wilkerson
  • The Friedman Group
  • Outdoor Play Store

While these options exist, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and seek recommendations from industry peers to ensure you select a provider that fully comprehends the nuances of bounce house insurance.

Pros of Bounce House Insurance

  1. Comprehensive Liability Coverage: Bounce house insurance offers comprehensive liability coverage, protecting your business from potential lawsuits due to bodily and property damage.
  2. Peace of Mind: Having insurance in place provides peace of mind to business owners, knowing they are financially protected against unforeseen accidents and injuries.
  3. Compliance with Venue Requirements: Many venues, including parks and corporate event spaces, require bounce house rental businesses to have insurance. Having coverage ensures you can secure contracts and access various event locations.
  4. Customizable Policies: Insurance providers offer customizable policies, allowing businesses to tailor coverage to their specific needs and budget.

Cons of Bounce House Insurance

  1. Costs: Acquiring bounce house insurance comes with associated costs, which can impact the overall profitability of the business, especially for smaller operators.
  2. Complexity: Understanding insurance policies and navigating the selection process can be complex, requiring time and effort to ensure you have the right coverage.
  3. Additional Administrative Burden: Managing insurance paperwork and renewals adds to the administrative responsibilities of the business owner.
  4. Policy Limitations: Some insurance policies may have limitations or exclusions that could affect coverage in certain situations. It’s crucial to carefully review policy terms and conditions.

Other Related Questions About Bounce House Insurance

Other Related Questions About Bounce House Insurance
Questions About Bounce House Insurance
  • Why do I need Bounce House Insurance?

Bounce House Insurance is essential to protect your business from potential liabilities and lawsuits arising from accidents or injuries that occur during bounce house rentals. Many venues also require proof of insurance for rental agreements.

  • What does Bounce House Insurance typically cover?

Bounce House Insurance primarily covers general liability for bodily and property damage. It may also include coverage for medical expenses, legal fees, and property damage.

  • How much does Bounce House Insurance cost?

The cost of Bounce House Insurance varies based on factors such as the size of your business, the number of rentals, and coverage limits. On average, it can start around $1,800 to $2,500 per year.

  • Can I customize my insurance policy?

Yes, insurance providers offer customizable policies, allowing you to tailor coverage to your specific business needs and budget. You can adjust coverage limits and add endorsements as necessary.

  • Are there any exclusions or limitations in Bounce House Insurance policies?

Yes, Bounce House Insurance policies may have limitations or exclusions, such as restrictions on certain activities or types of events. It’s essential to carefully review policy terms and conditions to understand any limitations.

  • How do I choose the right insurance provider?

To select the right insurance provider, consider their experience in the bounce house industry, their reputation, and their ability to provide specific wording in your contract to ensure your business is adequately covered. Seek recommendations from industry peers and conduct thorough research.

  • Can I obtain insurance for my bounce house business in all states?

Reputable insurance providers typically offer coverage in all 50 states. It’s essential to confirm this with your chosen provider to ensure coverage wherever your business operates.

  • What should I do if an accident occurs during a rental?

In the event of an accident, promptly report it to your insurance provider. They will guide you through the claims process and help manage any potential liabilities or legal proceedings.


In conclusion, owning and operating an inflatable rental business can be a rewarding venture, but it comes with inherent risks that necessitate insurance coverage. The safety and financial security of your business and your clients should be a top priority.

By choosing the right insurance provider and policy, tailored to your specific needs, you can embark on your bounce house business journey with confidence, knowing that you are protected against potential liabilities and unforeseen circumstances.

That’s an overview that has compiled. If you have any questions, don’t be shy to contact with us, we are looking forward to your responses.

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