Can You Take Out More Than One Home Equity Loan?

Can You Take Out More Than One Home Equity Loan?


Home equity loans allow homeowners to borrow against the equity in their home. These loans typically have lower interest rates than other types of loans like credit cards or personal loans. With home values continuing to increase, many homeowners find themselves with substantial equity they can tap into. This leads some homeowners to wonder – can you take out more than one home equity loan at the same time? 

Below we will explore the answer to this question, discuss the pros and cons of multiple home equity loans, and provide tips for homeowners considering this option.

Overview of Home Equity Loans

Before diving into whether you can take out more than one home equity loan, let’s do a quick overview of what home equity loans are:

  • Home equity loans allow homeowners to borrow against the equity in their home. Equity is the difference between what your home is worth and what you owe on your mortgage.
  • Interest rates are typically lower than other loan types like credit cards or personal loans.
  • You can borrow a lump sum at closing and repay the loan over a fixed term, usually 5-30 years.
  • The amount you can borrow depends on how much equity you have available. Lenders typically allow up to 80-85% total loan-to-value.
  • Home equity loans have fixed interest rates and fixed monthly payments.
Overview of Home Equity Loans
Overview of Home Equity Loans

Pros of Home Equity Loans

  • Lower interest rates
  • Fixed payments
  • Interest may be tax deductible

Cons of Home Equity Loans

  • You risk losing your home if you default
  • Closing costs and fees
  • Limited equity available for future borrowing

Can You Take Out More than One Home Equity loan? Is it Possible?

Now let’s get back to the main question – can you take out more than one home equity loan at the same time? The short answer is yes, it is possible to have multiple home equity loans on the same property. However, there are some important factors to consider first.

Most lenders will allow a second lien home equity loan as long as the total loan amounts fit within the maximum loan-to-value ratios they allow. For example, if your home is worth $400,000 and your first mortgage balance is $200,000, you have $200,000 in equity. If the lender allows total LTV of 80%, you could qualify for a first home equity loan of up to $100,000. This would leave $100,000 in available equity for a second loan.

While possible, there are some potential downsides to weigh if you take out more than one home equity loan:

  • Higher risk – The more loans you take out, the greater your debt burden becomes. This increases the risk of default if you run into financial hardship.
  • Higher costs – Each additional loan comes with closing costs and fees that can add up. And if total LTV exceeds 80%, you may get higher interest rates.
  • Less equity access – Each loan uses up your available equity, giving you less flexibility in the future.
Can You Take Out More than One Home Equity loan? Is it Possible?
Can You Take Out More than One Home Equity loan?

When Multiple Home Equity Loans Can Make Sense

While generally not recommended, there are some situations where taking out more than one home equity loan could make financial sense:

Separate needs – You may have two distinct borrowing needs, like a kitchen remodel and paying off credit card debt. Two smaller loans allow you to match the term to the need.

Cash flow – Separate loans with different payment timelines can help manage cash flow if one large payment would be too much.

Interest rates – In a rising rate environment, it may make sense to lock in multiple loans at lower fixed rates before they increase further.

Larger total amounts – Some lenders may limit loan sizes. Getting a second loan can allow you to tap more total equity if needed.

Even in these cases, you still want to be cautious and strategic with multiple loans. But used judiciously, a second home equity loan could potentially make sense that can you take out more than one home equity loan.

Tips for Getting Multiple Home Equity Loans

If you’ve weighed the pros and cons and decided to take out more than one home equity loans, here are some tips to get the best rates and terms:

Shop around – Compare offers from multiple lenders. Even a small rate differential can impact total costs over the loan repayment period.

Consider timing – Take out both loans within a short window if possible so they are based on the same home value.

Maximize equity – Make a larger down payment on your first mortgage to allow more equity availability if can you take out more than one home equity loan.

Minimize fees – Avoid fees and closing costs when possible. Ask lenders to waive origination or application fees.

Watch loan terms – Pay close attention to repayment terms so loans end around the same time.

Monitor LTV – Don’t exceed 80-85% total LTV to get the best rates on both loans if you are taking out more than one home equity loan.

Protect your equity – Be conservative with loan amounts. Leave yourself adequate equity cushion for emergencies.

By following these tips, you can get multiple home equity loans with the best combination of rates, fees, and terms if you decide this route makes sense for your situation. Always consult a financial advisor to evaluate all lending options if can you take out more than one home equity loan.

Tips for Getting Multiple Home Equity Loans
Tips for Getting Multiple Home Equity Loans

Pros and Cons of Multiple Home Equity Loans

To summarize, here is an overview of some of the key pros and cons of taking out more than one home equity loan:

Potential Pros

  • Access larger total amounts of cash
  • Separate uses for funds
  • Take advantage of lower rates for each loan
  • Manage cash flow with varied timelines

Potential Cons

  • Increased monthly payments
  • Higher total interest costs
  • More closing fees and costs
  • Higher total debt obligations
  • Greater risk of default
  • Less equity available for future


While it is possible that can you take out more than one home equity loan, doing so does come with increased costs and risks. Most financial experts recommend avoiding multiple loans unless you have strategic reasons it makes sense. Some situations where more than one loan could be beneficial include distinct borrowing needs, managing cash flow, locking in lower rates, or accessing larger total amounts. 

If you do decide to take out multiple loans, shop around for the best rates, minimize fees, watch loan terms, and monitor your total LTV carefully. With careful planning, more than one home equity loan can be an option for some homeowners who need access to their equity. But generally, one loan is the preferable route if it can meet your overall borrowing needs when considering whether you can take out more than one home equity loan.

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